The Blog

Company trips, “team building” together on Mount Etna

The workplace is almost as important as home … because it is the place where you spend your  time, as well as with your family. And if this environment is heavy, difficult or repulsive, even the work of the individual suffers. And it reflects in the entire production. The two years in which, due to […]

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Observatory Pizzi Deneri

Attention! Do not confuse this observatory with an astronomical one, though you can still see wonderful stars, from here. The Observatory Pizzi Deneri is a volcanic monitoring center and scientists use it, in fact, to study Mount Etna and its behaviour. It was not supposed to exist, right here, this observatory. Not on this north […]

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Etna replies to the La Palma eruption of Canary

Etna does not allow itself to be “second” to any other volcano in the world! That is what Cumbre Vieja, on the Spanish island of La Palma – Canary archipelago – learned the hard way. It started a spectacular eruption on the afternoon of Sunday 19th September. The lava came out of a fracture that […]

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Sunset at the Sartorius Craters and a delicious picnic

Here we suggest a nice idea you can enjoy anytime you like. A picnic at the Sartorius Craters, possibly at sunset. With the help of a good guide you shall learn the way, then you will come back when you like so to live again this special moment. There is no food area at the […]

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