Easter Monday in Italy is a day devoted to walk in the nature, trips and pic nics. Not long ago we gave you advice on where to spend Easter Monday, if you are on Mt Etna in this period. Unfortunately today we know that it is impossible to realize these excursions. Due to the serious pandemic situation the whole world cannot move or travel.
It will be a day to spend at home, closed inside or on the balcony, in the courtyard or – for the lucky ones – in the garden. But there is a beautiful island out there waiting for you, as soon as the emergency is over. And if you can’t see it live these days, take advantage of the time and the computer to make … a nice virtual trip, maybe on Easter Monday morning.
Our excursions on Mt Etna
Our site is dedicated to Mt Etna’s universe. You normally use it to book and carry out guided
tours on the magnificent Catanese volcano. In times of pandemic, it is not possible to take you to discover the wonderful lava flow caves, the woods of the northern flank. You cannot visit the vineyards and the food tasting resorts. It is not possible to go up to admire the four “giants”, the summit craters.
But thanks to the site and especially to the Youtube page associated with it, you can make one of these excursions comfortably sitting on the sofa. Click here and come with us, on our off-road vehicles, towards the raw beauty of this unique mountain which is Etna. You will feel like being right there, among those perfumes . If you watch the video with the window open, maybe you will be able to really feel them.
Other ideas for a virtual Easter trip in Sicily
After watching the videos of our excursions, you will probably be in love with Sicily. And it will never be enough for you. No fear, because there are many spectacular videos related to the beauty of our island. So, prepare the atmosphere. Organize a nice picnic or a barbecue on the terrace at home, or in the garden, or even in the living room with the window open. And put the computer on the table, next to the beer!
Set off to discover the wonderful Sicilian treasures by recovering an episode of a BBC event dedicated to Sicily, which is divided into two parts still available on Youtube. Beautiful and interesting is also the film-documentary about “Mama Etna”, broadcasted on february 2020. There is also a nice video dedicated to the eruptions of Mt Etna, by “How Science Works” which introduces us to the deepest secrets of the mountain.