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Voragine in eruption … an event that fascinates because you rarely see it. Compared to the much more active South East crater (SEC), the Voragine crater (CVOR) of Etna takes long breaks between one event and another, but this only increases curiosity and interest. When the Voragine erupts, in fact, the entire territory is involved. The spectacular and very high lava fountains but above all the very powerful roars are unforgettable experiences.

Eruptions at the Voragine

The Voragine appeared in 1945 due to the sudden collapse of a part of the base platform of the then Central Crater. A second crater already existed, the North East (NEC) which opened in 1911 but the new pit crater soon took over the scene, definitively transforming the appearance and role of the Central hole.

Today, Voragine is one of the two enormous eruptive vents that occupy the former Central area (the other is Bocca Nuova, BNC, formed in 1968) and its eruptions occur with long pauses – even several years – from one another (the last episode dates back to 2021).
But when Voragine erupts, the show is guaranteed. The size of the crater determines the important dimensions of the fountains and columns of ash and lapilli, with phenomena which are visible from every part of Sicily.

voragine 2The 2024 eruption

Having returned to activity in the summer of 2024, Voragine is surprising everyone a bit with this “stage-by-stage” process. A paroxysm, an apparent calm time, a new paroxysm, calm again, strong degassing without ash, another paroxysm, degassing with ash … .
When everything seems over, it starts all over again. Every time the signs are all there, and the eruption seems ready to start, it is postponed to the next day! This capricious game that seems to be the product of an almost “thinking” mind is actually the perfect Voragine style. The volcanologists who follow it know it and always keep their antennas straight to pick up on the sudden changes. The lucky tourists who are here these days can witness more than one show, and always different one from the other.

How to approach the “stage eruption” of Voragine?

How to behave in front of a crater that, in fact, continues to surprise almost without rules? How to approach the “stage eruption” of Voragine? The best way is to do it with a volcanological guide, that is, with specialized people – also in terms of geovolcanologic knowledge – and able to pick up the slightest signs of the volcano.

The summit areas are in fact accessible only with the guide of authorized staff, who allows the tourist or group to position themselves close enough, and safe enough, to admire the individual puffs of ash, the sudden columns, or the eruptions with lava fountains.
Precisely because the eruption of the Voragine proceeds “in stages”… so even if it appears calm it is actually boiling inside… you never know when the next paroxysm will occur. In these cases, listening to the advice of the guides is fundamental. And also obeying their directives, without venturing out on your own. (PHOTOS: GRAZIA MUSUMECI)

Autore: Grazia Musumeci

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