Stromboli, the big eruption. Should we really fear volcanoes?

If you are reading this page you have already given yourself the answer. No, we shall not be afraid to climb a volcano. But after the terrible events of 3 July 2019, the very violent eruption that shook the island of Stromboli causing fires, injuries and even a one dead … you may be wondering […]

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The tradition of the “Dead Souls”: witches and ghosts of Mt Etna

In Sicily we do not celebrate Halloween, or rather we celebrate it now but without much conviction. This brand new Anglo-Saxon tradition, in fact, could not replace yet our age-old “Dead Souls’ Night”, linked to myths and legends and … yes, even to witches and typically local ghosts. […]

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Spontaneous vegetation of Etna

What a great show is the spontaneous vegetation of Etna!,  Usually everybody thinks about a volcano without vegetation instead is the same volcanic ash that creates a fertile environment for trees and plants and  also the right balance of the minerals present in it. […]

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5 Etna Facts & Mythos

Mount Etna is the one of the most popular tourist areas in Sicily, and it can be either hiked or driven up using suitable vehicles, and it is also a leading site of volcanic research. Mount Etna is also known as Mongibello which means “mountain-mountain”. The ancient Romans believed that Vulcan–the god of fire and metalworking–had his forge beneath Mount […]

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