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The bad weather that has been persisting for three days in Eastern Sicily is blocking the view of this new eruption, which began on February 8th on the western side of Mt Etna. Therefore, it is almost impossible to follow its evolution live. But it is possible to rely on the instruments and data of the INGV institute to understand how far the event has arrived and how it is continuing, beyond the clouds and the high-altitude snowfall. With the help of Dr. Boris Behncke, we tried to take a look up there and bring you some new news.

Eruption on the western side

As already mentioned, the new eruption of Etna began on the evening of February 8th from a fracture that opened at the base of the Bocca Nuova Crater and more precisely between this crater and the neighbour South East. From this new vent, without particular signs of “agitation”, a fairly liquid and fast lava flow has come out that is stretching on the western side of the volcano. Judging from the few photos that were taken from Bronte and Belpasso, it seems really close to the piedmont towns, but fortunately it is only a photographic perspective… The danger is far away.

etna NEW ERUPTION 2How is the eruption proceeding?

Doctor Behncke reassures us about it: “We are talking about a summit eruption. The lava front will be at 2500-2600 meters above sea level, and as usual during this type of eruption, the flows do not go beyond a certain length. Rather than advancing further and further, they overlap and create a “fan-shaped” lava field, like the one in November 2022 – February 2023 on the wall of the Valle del Bove”

Furthermore, despite the fluidity of altitude, as the lava descends onto ground frozen by winter snows it tends to cool and therefore slow down its progress considerably. If no new and unexpected factors intervene (another fracture, a powerful paroxysm) it should simply resolve itself in a great natural spectacle, without drama nor worries.

Were there paroxysms?

The great glow produced by the lava on the clouds has led some to think of fountains of fire and paroxysms in progress. But if this had really happened, the INGV instruments would have gone crazy. Dr. Boris also says: “The activity continues regularly, slowly, calmly; only at dawn there was some small puff of ash from the South East Crater”.

Eruption under control: the importance of the INGV

Everything depends on the volcano. It will always be Etna that “decides” what and how to continue an eruption. We can only rely on the Institute of Volcanology which, with its continuous monitoring, is able to provide answers even when the climate conditions blocks the view. The importance of research centers like INGV should make us understand how fundamental it is for governments to support – and not close! – certain realities, whether in the medical or volcanological fields. Research allows us to control and prevent disasters and unimaginable damage. We should always promote and care about our researchers. (PHOTOS BY GRAZIA MUSUMECI)

Autore: Grazia Musumeci

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