The rocky beaches of Stazzo and St Tecla

Stazzo and St Tecla are seaside villages that belong to the town of Acireale. The wide territory of this municipality makes these villages rise a few kilometers away from the main town. They almost look independent towns themselves. From Stazzo, you see Acireale so far away! But centuries of history and a common geography do […]

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New Year’s Day at Ragabo Refuge, Etna

Enjoy New Year’s Day in a special way. Or, if not that very day, enjoy the beginning of the new year 2022 with a nice experience in the snow of the woods around Ragabo Refuge. This lovely hut-shaped building, looking so much like a alpine house, fits perfectly into the high pine trees forest, in […]

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Etna eruption October 23, update

The eruption that began at dawn on 23 October 2021 ended around 11 am with further spectacular changes on top of  Mount Etna. Below are parts of the report released by volcanologists regarding the episode: A sequence of very strong explosions took place, which generated visible pressure waves,  followed by the resumption of ash emission. […]

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