Five good reasons for visiting Etna in 2021

Do not be discouraged! There will always be good reasons for visiting Mount Etna, in Sicily. Even during this Covid 19 pandemics which forces us to stay at home for some time. It is hard to travel in this situation and only the very passionate and adventurous will try the chance, as soon as possible. […]

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Mt Etna, a new paroxysm and lava flows

On January 18th around 9:30 pm Mt. Etna surprises everyone once again and kicks off yet another unexpected paroxysm. Or rather, the volcanologists knew it would come, but the people did not. It all seemed relatively calm, with the South East crater which – after so many days of Strombolian emissions – looked meek tonight. […]

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The Sella Crater, new restless vent of Etna

Mount Etna started a new “show” between November 2020 and January 2021, as usual in a unique and charming way. It was another surprise, with phenomena and situations that attracted scientists and tourists with one question only: what is the volcano planning to do? What we know for sure is that, at the moment, all […]

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The current eruption’s show

Mount Etna show continues! The eruption that began on St.Lucy’s Night 13 December 2020, in the summit area of the volcano does not seem to have respite yet. The experts had sensed it in the previous days, despite the many variations that occurred. After a short period of calm and decline in parameters, on December […]

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Etna Current Eruption 2020

The eruption on Saint Lucy’s Night started as a surprise, for many people who were looking at it from home. It was not a surprise for the “insiders”. The experts volcanologists in fact had been monitoring the tremors since afternoon of December 13th. As the clouds opened, at 11:30 pm, the whole Eastern Sicily could […]

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