Voragine Crater: master and commander!

The month of August opens with one of the most spectacular paroxysms seen in some years. Always him, the Voragine crater, the new surprising protagonist of Mount Etna show! After a very long period of silence and false quiet, this crater (which opened in 1945) took the stage until yesterday dominated by the young South […]

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Voragine Crater, a very exciting “stage eruption”

Voragine in eruption … an event that fascinates because you rarely see it. Compared to the much more active South East crater (SEC), the Voragine crater (CVOR) of Etna takes long breaks between one event and another, but this only increases curiosity and interest. When the Voragine erupts, in fact, the entire territory is involved. […]

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Tour on Mt Etna: what you can and cannot do

It can happen. It happens. The tourist arrives with many expectations… he/she wants to see an eruption, a crater, a mountain slope, but the guide must dismantle their enthusiasm. And immediately there is disbelief, anger and a negative review! “They promised me a ride on off-road tracks but instead we took normal asphalted roads!”, “We […]

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Etna: the great Voragine eruption started

The Institute of Volcanology (INGV) statement took a while to arrive, but in the end it declared what all of us inhabitants – and lucky tourists – were already seeing. The explosive activity of the Voragine crater, one of the four summits of Etna, increased dramatically during the afternoon and evolved into a lava fountain […]

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