Crater Voragine: the highest peak on Etna

Since September it is official, also supported by data collected “on the field”: Crater Voragine (CVOR) is now the highest peak of Mount Etna having reached 3,403 meters above sea level. A record growth that this crater obtained through a series of incredible paroxysms, spectacular and violent as typical of this vent. Its tip has […]

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Mount Etna’s North-East Crater roars again

By now on Mount Etna it’s a game of poker. The four summit craters all seem to be simultaneously engaged in an extraordinary (in the sense of beautiful!) activity that, in turn, involves them all. After the spectacular years, the South-East crater has gone to rest and in its place the mighty Voragine has set […]

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Voragine Crater: master and commander!

The month of August opens with one of the most spectacular paroxysms seen in some years. Always him, the Voragine crater, the new surprising protagonist of Mount Etna show! After a very long period of silence and false quiet, this crater (which opened in 1945) took the stage until yesterday dominated by the young South […]

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