A volcano seems to be the most “popular” destination in the world, after the beach. Difficult mountain, rugged landscapes, it seems “planned” for tough ones, for people accustomed to fatigue … This is a volcano. And Mount Etna, with its 3000 meters and over asl, is the highest volcano in Europe and the meeting place […]
Tag: excursion
Mt Etna’s summer festivals
If you find yourself in these summer days at the foot of the great volcano Mount Etna, surely you have already booked your place at the beach or your excursion at high altitude. The charm of this restless mountain is the main attraction of the territory of Eastern Sicily. Surely, going to explore its woods, […]
About Etna bloggers …
Mount Etna is such a special mountain that it is impossible not to tell about it. And today everything is told on social media, on video channels, on mobile phones. But if you have to describe something, and do it well, you have to use words before pictures. Etna deserves many words, many stories intertwined […]
Underground Catania … a walk through ancient lavas
Tourists come to Sicily to admire many things, including two unmissable ones: the sea and Mount Etna. They would very much like to be able to experience the volcano while it is in full swing and, even if with fear, they often wonder what it feels like to be “inside” an eruption. The good news […]
Mountain Bike Trails on Mt Etna
If every now and then, walking through the woods of Mount Etna, you see a path apparently demolished, do not come to quick wrong conclusions. Take a good look. You will see that maybe it is just a path created naturally by dry branches, fallen leaves and some wooden boards to delimit its perimeter. What […]