Five things you shall NOT ask Etna people

Mount Etna is a “multitasking” volcano, beautiful and attractive, with enormous possibilities for outdoor activities and itineraries that – inevitably – attract crowds of tourists every year. Visitors from all over the world especially love to go hiking: to the summit craters, into the woods, in the caves and, of course, they love when there […]

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Voragine Crater: master and commander!

The month of August opens with one of the most spectacular paroxysms seen in some years. Always him, the Voragine crater, the new surprising protagonist of Mount Etna show! After a very long period of silence and false quiet, this crater (which opened in 1945) took the stage until yesterday dominated by the young South […]

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Voragine Crater, a very exciting “stage eruption”

Voragine in eruption … an event that fascinates because you rarely see it. Compared to the much more active South East crater (SEC), the Voragine crater (CVOR) of Etna takes long breaks between one event and another, but this only increases curiosity and interest. When the Voragine erupts, in fact, the entire territory is involved. […]

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Discover Giarre and its monuments … including Etna!

Giarre is a delightful town located halfway between Catania and Taormina, with an airy and colourful historic core that includes neoclassical churches, Art Nouveau buildings and… a volcano! Exactly. Mount Etna is fully included among the “urban” monuments of Giarre, because from the town’s central square the view of the great volcano is so full […]

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Birches of Etna and the climate change

They arrived in Sicily “against their will”, transported by the conditions created thanks to the immense glaciations that hit Europe between 70,000 and 10,000 years ago. The birch trees of Mount Etna remained even after the ice retreated, finding an ideal habitat on this gigantic volcano which today reaches 3369 meters high. The Scandinavian plants […]

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