Halloween mask “Etna style”: here’s how to create it

Even if it doesn’t seem like it, Mount Etna is also a place of magic linked to mysteries. There are stories of ghosts of queens who lost their slipper here, there are stories of mysterious sounds heard in Valle del Bove, and for some years mysterious sculptures have appeared among the most beautiful birch trees. […]

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Etna, the “cancelled” eruption of 1910

There are places that are exposed to natural events more than others. And when the “natural event” is a volcano, those places happen to be fields, villages or even cities. Mount Etna is a gigantic and ancient volcano and man has always tended to colonize it because the advantages always outweigh the disadvantages. So even […]

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Trekking or Hiking, where you can do them on Etna

Is Etna a good place for doing trekking? And what about hiking? But are they not the same thing? No, actually trekking and hiking are not the same sporting activity. Even if initially, mistakenly, you might believe that it was the same thing but indicated with different terms (English and American), today you know that […]

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