The sausage cooked on the tile and Etna mushrooms

One of the scents of autumn in Sicily is that of the bundles of wood, burning in the fields. And that of roasted vegetables, to which richer dishes are often added, such as game meat or pork. Mount Etna territory, in the first rains, is filled with delicacies that obviously become autumn recipes. And if […]

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Enjoying Piedimonte Etneo at the time of harvest

There is a small town “on the way” that leads to some of the most beautiful places on Mount Etna. This village bears an important name, Piedimonte Etneo, which indicates its being at the foot (piedi) of the famous mountain (monte). Yet few people stop here and let themselves be fascinated by its history and […]

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Solicchiata, the story of a good Etna wine

Solicchiata is a village that belongs to the municipality of Castiglione di Sicilia. This is that lucky corner of the territory – between East Etna and North Etna – where the soil is very rich and generates wonders of food and wine. The name is a bit funny but absolutely suitable, it means “slice of […]

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Exploring the Museum of Lava in Viagrande

Today it is called the Museum of Etna and is naturally dedicated to the volcano that dominates the territory to which it belongs. But also to other volcanoes. For many people, though, the museum of Viagrande in the district of Catania is still the “Museum of Lava” because this name has much more charm. And […]

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