Etna Current Eruption 2020

The eruption on Saint Lucy’s Night started as a surprise, for many people who were looking at it from home. It was not a surprise for the “insiders”. The experts volcanologists in fact had been monitoring the tremors since afternoon of December 13th. As the clouds opened, at 11:30 pm, the whole Eastern Sicily could […]

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Mt. Etna, new eruption of South East Crater

Something is changing to south east! From the end of November, the explosive activity that has now characterized the summit of Mt. Etna for almost one year has intensified. It is now involving also the youngest of the five craters. Or we should say four, as something is really going on up there. In fact, […]

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Covid, experience Mt Etna in the “orange zone”

As soon as the “second wave” of Covid 19 pandemic hit Italy, the national Government has decided to divide the Country into zones. Every zone indicates a risk level and has some restrictions that shall rule the human movement on the territory. Red zones are in “semi lockdown”, with very few open places and stop […]

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The red leaves of Etna, what a show!

In autumn, many plants lose their green colour to take on very lively tones, such as golden yellow, red, even orange. This phenomenon is due to the process of  the leaves that die off while waiting for spring. The yellow and orange colours, typical of most plants, are due to the decrease in chlorophyll which […]

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