Quarantined? No problem. Find out the beauties of a virtual Sicily

Easter Monday in Italy is a day devoted to walk in the nature, trips and pic nics. Not long ago we gave you advice on where to spend Easter Monday, if you are on Mt Etna in this period. Unfortunately today we know that it is impossible to realize these excursions. Due to the serious […]

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What to see in Sicily in a one-week holiday

Sicily is not an island but a continent. A land limited by the sea, but so large and varied that it is impossible to visit it all in a short time. Although it is scattered with remarkable and touristic  monuments and natural beauties, you will have to leave something out, if you only have one […]

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Mount Etna Tours from Catania and Taormina

You see it from the airplain, as you arrive. Big, huge, mighty, smoking … it seems impossible to reach. Though you really want to visit it, you might not have the time because you have to see many other places in Sicily. But how can you miss Mount Etna, the highest active volcano in Europe? […]

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Mount Etna Eruption 2020: Etna, a weird eruption inside the Voragine

It has been going on for 5 months but only today it is  really showing itself. The eruption taking place inside the Central crater of Etna has something fascinating and anomalous. In fact, this  eruption started inside the hole called Voragine, by a small pit crater that – from September – has been emitting lava […]

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