Respect the rules: on the mountains and on volcanoes

Here we are again. Talking again about mountain accidents, counting the victims again (two deaths) on a normal Sunday like many others. Sometimes we get discouraged, because it seems like we are repeating things to the wind. If respecting the rules and laws is fundamental in common civilization, it is even more so when you […]

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A Pidata du Diavolo, the Devil’s Footprint

There is a Mount Etna that is little known to tourists, and it is the one linked to ancient legends. Because before the natural spectacle of the eruptions and even before the Christian devotional tradition, the territory of our volcano was the heart of ancient tales. Every culture has left its own and many are […]

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Sicily by Bike: the tourist destination of 2025

One of the most authoritative voices on tourism, the New York Times, includes Sicily among the 52 unmissable destinations of 2025. And it includes it following the path of a new and beautiful route, especially for fans of extreme ecological walks: Sicily Divide, Sicily by bike. This route which, as the name suggests, “divides” the […]

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Five ideas for starting New Year on Mt Etna

After having given the usual resounding welcome to the new year, we find ourselves in the first week of January already planning the near future. Whether you are a permanent resident or a tourist, when you have the privilege of living at the foot of a volcano like Etna all your choices will also revolve […]

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Rituals for Good Luck: from burning branches to fireworks

In a short time, the first hour of the New Year will strike, with the twelve strokes of midnight, and everyone – wherever we are, whatever our beliefs – will celebrate this event with lights, torches, fires and “firecrackers”. There’s no point in pretending… fire is fascinating. And it has always fascinated precisely because of […]

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