Exploring the Museum of Lava in Viagrande

Today it is called the Museum of Etna and is naturally dedicated to the volcano that dominates the territory to which it belongs. But also to other volcanoes. For many people, though, the museum of Viagrande in the district of Catania is still the “Museum of Lava” because this name has much more charm. And […]

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Torchlight procession in August on Mt Etna

The torchlight processions in the mountains are now a common sight. It is easier to see them in winter, when the snow contrasts with the glow of the fire. It was the Alpine people who taught the world this tradition, filling certain cold nights on the highest peaks in Europe with lights. And the tradition […]

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Celebrating August 15th on Mt Etna

On August 15th in Italy it’s Ferragosto Day. Ferragosto is a holiday invented by Cesar August, who granted rest and entertainment to his fellow citizens during the period in which he moved to his summer villas. Thus, the “Ferie Augustee“, since Roman times, are an unmissable event in Italy. The feast was later “adopted” by […]

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Mount Etna for people who love luxury

A volcano seems to be the most “popular” destination in the world, after the beach. Difficult mountain, rugged landscapes, it seems “planned” for tough ones, for people accustomed to fatigue … This is a volcano. And Mount Etna, with its 3000 meters and over asl, is the highest volcano in Europe and the meeting place […]

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