Sicily – land of orange diversity

Sicily – land of orange diversity The origin of the orange, the most common fruit in the world, is located in China and it was probably introduced to Europe in the 15th century. Nowadays, apart from Spain, also Sicily is famous for the vitamin-rich citrus fruit. Especially in the area of Mount Etna the oranges […]

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Sicilian olive oil extravergine – the green gold of the Mediterranean island

… like spring in your nose … A mixture of freshly cut grass, crispy artichokes and aromatic herbs jumps right towards you. The oil of Mount Etna olives is considered as valuable as gold in Sicily. Its intense aroma and taste make it an essential ingredient for the locals, that cannot be lacking in their […]

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Activity in progress at the Central crater of Etna 02/12/2015

Over the last few weeks weeks, the strombolian activity inside the Voragine crater, one of the four summit craters of Etna, lasted without relevant changes. The activity became noticeable by its intense explosions and changeable frequency, with larger red-hot lava ejections, sometimes accompanied by minor amounts of volcanic ash, in some cases, the chunks have […]

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Snow on Etna Volcano

The first snow has fallen on Mount Etna. This year, earlier than usual, the summit shines in us bright white. This weekend winter has also started in Sicily. The volcano has its own special fascination now. Frozen water on a black background! And all of a sudden the “island where the lemons bloom” becomes a […]

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Your first time in Sicily? What specialties you shouldn’t miss!

The entire Mediterranean area offers dishes with flavours that are particularly intense under the southern sun, and the island of Sicily is certainly no exception. On the contrary: Regarding the cuisine Sicilians tend to be perfectionists. Good food in pleasant companyone of the most important aspects of the culture. All over the island, this rule […]

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