The tradition of the “Dead Souls”: witches and ghosts of Mt Etna

In Sicily we do not celebrate Halloween, or rather we celebrate it now but without much conviction. This brand new Anglo-Saxon tradition, in fact, could not replace yet our age-old “Dead Souls’ Night”, linked to myths and legends and … yes, even to witches and typically local ghosts. […]

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Spontaneous vegetation of Etna

What a great show is the spontaneous vegetation of Etna!,  Usually everybody thinks about a volcano without vegetation instead is the same volcanic ash that creates a fertile environment for trees and plants and  also the right balance of the minerals present in it. […]

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Activity in progress at the Central crater of Etna 02/12/2015

Over the last few weeks weeks, the strombolian activity inside the Voragine crater, one of the four summit craters of Etna, lasted without relevant changes. The activity became noticeable by its intense explosions and changeable frequency, with larger red-hot lava ejections, sometimes accompanied by minor amounts of volcanic ash, in some cases, the chunks have […]

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